Search Results for 'party executive'

2 results found.

Shooting the Breeze with Gay Mitchell

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The nomination process for the upcoming presidential election has got as much coverage in the papers and the airwaves as most of the candidates over the past few months. One of the first to set his stall out and get into the race is the Fine Gael nominee Gay Mitchell. The former minister of state and current MEP for Dublin threw his hat in the ring early in the summer and has been on the campaign trail since. It has been a different kind of campaign for the Dubliner who has been more used to the metropolitan hustings than the more rural agricultural type of campaigning that the national contest had in store for him.

Labour to hold party conference in NUIG

More than 1,000 delegates will attend the Labour Party’s 2010 National Conference which will be held in the Baily Allen Hall, NUI, Galway, from Friday April 16 to Sunday 18.


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