Search Results for 'pains'
15 results found.
Pharmacist urges cold and flu sufferers not to self medicate
People who believe they are suffering from colds or flus are being urged not to self medicate.
Treat sports injury with Care Cure Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Sports participation although a great form of exercise and community spirit can sometimes put a strain on the body and result in muscle aches, injury pains, pulled ligaments, twisted ankles and broken limbs.
Living with Lyme disease

Ben Smyth who lives in Kinvara had always been healthy and rarely visited his doctor. However, everything was to change at the end of August 2006 when the father of three adult children became ill. He initially began to complain of a “pinch-like feeling” on the instep of his right foot.
Treat sports injury with Care Cure acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Sports participation, although a great form of exercise and community spirit, can sometimes put a strain on the body and result in muscle aches, injury pains, pulled ligaments, twisted ankles, and broken limbs.
Discover the benefits of reflexology in pregnancy
You have more than 7,000 nerve endings in your feet. By working on these nerve endings through reflexology, you can bring your body back into balance.
Facing up to flu

Every winter it is one of the main topics of conversation. “I had the flu all week.” I’ve a touch of it myself, I’m all blocked up” or “My son is off school with a high temperature”.
Shape up and feel great with NYShapeUp
If you are looking to feel and look great, then NYShapeUp’s power vibration plates will help you get the body you always wanted.
€4.5 million settlement for Newcastle man
A High Court judge has approved a €4.5 million settlement for a man who is severely brain damaged after suffering viral encephalitis as a result of a viral infection, herpes simplex.
Get fit with yoga core strength and flexibility training
Most fitness fanatics and serious sports people take time off or retire early due to injury. The average age for a footballer to retire from competitive games is just 31. But there is a way too not only prolong your career, but improve your play. Yoga helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles in a safe and extremely enjoyable way.
Pregnancy and labour reflexology
Reflexology is a wonderful therapy to use during pregnancy and labour. It will not interfere with the viability of the pregnancy but some clients may prefer to wait until after the 12th week to avail of the benefits.