Search Results for 'online study'
8 results found.
BA (hons) in business, social enterprise, leadership, and management available in Tuam and Galway
EQUAL Ireland will commence delivery of its part time, one year, BA (hons) in business social enterprise, leadership, and management this November in Galway and Tuam. The programme is delivered through a combination of online study and twice-monthly Saturday workshops.
Five thousand adults sought for migraine study
Have you ever wondered what affects the occurrence of migraines? Psychologists at NUI Galway’s School of Psychology are interested in examining this phenomenon in adults from Ireland and the UK, and want to investigate the psychological factors that could contribute to migraines by carrying out an online study.
NUI Galway launches new part-time course in politics and society for secondary school teachers
NUI Galway’s Centre for Adult Learning and Professional Development, in conjunction with the School of Political Science and Sociology and the School of Education, has announced the launch of the Higher Diploma in Arts (politics and society) due to begin in September 2018.
NUI Galway study seeks participants who experience obsessions or compulsions
The School of Psychology at NUI Galway is seeking more than 1,000 people from across Ireland who experience symptoms of obessive compulsive disorder (OCD) to participate in an online survey.
NUI Galway seeks 1,000 participants for irritable bowel syndrome study
Researchers at the School of Psychology at NUI Galway are seeking more than 1,000 women who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and other inflammatory bowel conditions to take part in an online study.
Study tips to help study smart
With exams looming for many students stress levels are rising and panic may be setting in. So we have put together some study tips to help study smart and ace those exams.
Online study launched for parents of children with disabilities
The research will be carried out throughout Ireland, the UK, and the US until April 2017, and the researchers are particularly keen for couples in Ireland to participate in the survey.
NUI Galway national study seeking 1,000 nurses for research on burnout
The School of Psychology and the School of Nursing and Midwifery at NUI Galway is conducting a research study on nursing staff’s experiences of burnout and how this impacts both their mental well-being and capacity to treat and care for the over 65-year-olds. All registered general nurses are invited to participate in the online study, and the findings will better inform future policies and interventions for trainee and qualified nursing staff in Ireland.