Search Results for 'infection'

216 results found.

Thousands of Galway adults with Long Covid struggling to access services

More than 18,000 Galway people could be suffering from Long Covid, a term used to describe Covid-19 effects that continue for weeks or months after the initial illness, according to statistics released by the Independent Roscommon/Galway TD, Denis Naughten.

Overcoming the side effects of radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is used to kill cancerous tissue, however it may also cause injury to nearby healthy tissue in up to 20 percent of patients.

Two in five people believe pandemic will never be fully over, Ipsos survey reveals

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Two in five people believe the Covid-19 pandemic will never be fully over, according to new research carried out by Ipsos for the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA).

Help is at hand for those suffering long Covid-19 symptoms

Most people who suffer from Covid-19 return to good health very quickly.

Overcoming the side effects of radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is used to kill cancerous tissue, however it may also cause injury to nearby healthy tissue in up to 20 per cent of patients. This is called radiation tissue injury. Hyperbaric oxygenation is the preferred treatment globally for the side effects of radiation therapy and is paid for by most private healthcare insurance.

Long Covid – help is at hand

Most people who get Covid-19 get better very quickly. Some people continue to experience symptoms, and even have other symptoms develop in the weeks and sometimes months following their infection. This is commonly referred to as long Covid. Some of the more common long Covid symptoms include a lasting cough, fatigue, aches and pains, brain fog, loss of taste, loss of sense of smell, and insomnia.

Almost 300,000 with long Covid but HSE remains in planning phase – Naughten

Despite the fact that up to 300,000 people are suffering from the impact of long Covid, the HSE is still only at the planning stage in the assessment of the scale of the problem and its possible impact on our health service, local Independent Deputy, Denis Naughten, stated this week.

Two in five people believe pandemic will never be fully over, says Ipsos survey for IPHA

Two in five people believe the Covid-19 pandemic will never be fully over, according to new research carried out by Ipsos for the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA).

Hyperbaric oxygenation for thermal burns

Burn injuries are among the most painful and difficult to heal injuries, and unfortunately incredibly common in both adults and children.

Oxygenation for breast cancer patients – reducing the risk of failure in breast reconstruction

Surgery is a common treatment option for women with breast cancer. The surgery is to remove the cancerous tissue and the area close to it. There are many different ways of operating on breast cancer and the type of surgery will depend on the stage of the patient’s cancer. Surgery can range from breast-conserving surgery (removing part of the breast) to a full mastectomy (removing the whole breast). Many women also opt for breast reconstruction surgery which helps to restore the appearance of their breasts. Frequently for these surgeries, the patient is left with skin flaps and skin grafts to help close the wound. For skin grafts or flaps to survive and the wound to heal well a new blood supply needs to form from the underlying tissue to the grafted skin. One of the risks of these surgeries is that the skin flaps or grafts do not heal well due to ischaemia (insufficient supply of blood) or necrosis (the tissue dying).


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