Search Results for 'hospital'

15 results found.

Research shows over 5% of adults actively living with symptoms of long Covid - Naughten

Recently released polling data has found that more than one in every 20 adults in Ireland are actively living with self-reported symptoms of long Covid.

General Manager has faith in Mayo University Hospital

Mayo University Hospital has faced some challenges in its time - not least the recent covid 19 pandemic. However, General Manager at MUH, Catherine Donohoe, is confident HSE staff and management can keep public health services running efficiently in the busy county town facility, as more and more people around Mayo enjoy longer lifespans - up to 100 years and beyond.

Mayo nurses stage protest to highlight excessive workloads and staffing pressure

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INMO members at Mayo University Hospital protested outside the hospital on Monday last to highlight excessive workloads and staffing pressure.

ICU numbers being monitored in west's hospitals, says Saolta chief

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Patient numbers in the intensive care units of the west's public hospitals are being monitored 24 hours a day to ensure these critical care facilities will be able to cope with increasing admissions during the fourth wave of Covid-19.

More certainty around needed vaccine delivery, says Saolta chief

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The chief executive of the Saolta University Health Care Group, which runs the local public hospitals in the west and north-west, says he would like to see greater quantities of the Covid-19 vaccine become available and for there to be more certainty around weekly deliveries of the product.

Mayo has largest number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Connacht

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The number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 continued to rise in Mayo this week - which now has 30 more confirmed cases than Galway and 100 more than the other three Connacht counties of Sligo, Leitrim and Roscommon combined.

Saolta chief appeals to the sick to attend hospital

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The number of patients attending the emergency departments (EDs) of local hospitals has dropped dramatically during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sláintecare is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for ailing health service to heal itself

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Last month, the Minister for Health announced a programme of action to implement the report of the Special Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Healthcare, on which I served as the only member from Connacht.

Five year wait for new emergency department for UHG

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It could take up to five years before University Hospital Galway has a new emergency department.

Children with diabetes forced to travel to Limerick for treatment

Local children with Type 1 diabetes areas are forced to travel to Limerick for treatment because a paediatric diabetes consultant post has remained unfilled at University Hospital Galway for the past two years.

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