Search Results for 'headmistress'
4 results found.
Sr McNulty has dedicated her life to education in Tanzania

It is a very long way from Killala to Tanzania.
Caitlin and life with the Johns

The four Macnamara children, John, Nicolette, Brigit and Caitlin, when abandoned by their father, must have sought some stability from their mother Yvonne. But she was distracted by her passion for Nora Summers, and was just not available. Instead they were scooped up by the artist Augustus John, and his mistress Dorelia McNeil, and, saying good-bye to Doolin, were brought to live in his rambling red-brick home in Dorset. At the end of a sweep of gravel, lost in rhododendrons and trees, Alderney Manor was surrounded by miles of moorland. It was an ideal and happy playground for young children.
Coping with the Magdalen fallout

Ilearn something of the impact that the Magdalen Laundries scandal had on the Mercy nuns themselves reading the personal testimony of Sister Phyllis Kilcoyne. Sister Kilcoyne is part of the Leadership Team of the Western Province of the Mercy Order.*
The remarkable Mrs Roosevelt

THE REMARKABLE life and times of Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and a tireless political campaigner in her own right, is vividly portrayed in Mrs Roosevelt Flies To London which comes to the Town Hall Theatre on Tuesday May 6.