Search Results for 'gene therapy'
8 results found.
One hundred and twenty five jobs to be created in construction of €20m NUI Galway Clinical & Translational Research Facility
Work has begun on NUI Galway’s €20m Clinical Research Facility and Translational Research Facility (CRF-TRF). The contract to construct the four-storey building (gross floor area 5,345m?) has been awarded to BAM Building Ltd. The construction period is anticipated to be 16 months and will create 125 construction jobs at its peak.
REMEDI enters agreement with US company to advance research into diabetic foot ulcers
REMEDI, The Regenerative Medicine Institute at NUI Galway and Orbsen Therapeutics have entered into an agreement with Cardium Therapeutics to utilise Cardium’s Excellagen® pharmaceutically-formulated gel as a delivery agent for Orbsen Therapeutics’ proprietary stromal cell therapy in pre-clinical studies for the potential treatment of diabetic foot ulcers.
Arthritis researchers ask for publics help
Members of the general public are being invited to engage with scientists at NUI Galway to provide their opinions on stem cells and gene therapy. Scientists hope to explore public opinion on these and other cutting-edge biomedical solutions under development, and learn what the public’s point of view is.
Boost of almost €10 million for regenerative medicine research
In a major boost for regenerative medicine research in Ireland, Minister for Enterprise, Trade, and Innovation, Batt O’Keeffe announced this week the funding of almost €10 million for the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) at NUI Galway.
Trek Connemara for Debra
Debra Ireland is calling on Kilkenny people to take part in The West Coast Trek. This is a two day national fund-raising event which will take place in Connemara from the 9th-10th October 2010 in aid of Debra Ireland.
Cell by dates

Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a genetic skin disease where blistering occurs on the skin and on internal linings such as the mouth and the intestines. It is believed to occur in an estimated one out of every 50,000 births worldwide. Those affected are often described as ‘butterfly children’ as their skin is as fragile as a butterfly’s wings.
New €7.5m clinical research facility will allow cutting edge trials
Professor Larry Egan, Interim Director of the Health Research Board (HRB) Clinical Research Facility, Galway has welcomed the announcement that €7.5m in capital funding is being provided for the construction of a new Clinical Research Facility on the grounds of University Hospital Galway.
New €7.5m clinical research facility will allow cutting edge trials

Professor Larry Egan, Interim Director of the Health Research Board (HRB) Clinical Research Facility, Galway has welcomed the announcement that €7.5m in capital funding is being provided for the construction of a new Clinical Research Facility on the grounds of University Hospital Galway.