Search Results for 'family services'

5 results found.

Furore over transfer of addiction service to UHG psychiatric unit

The man who set up the then Western Health Board’s addiction counselling service 27 years ago says he fears its planned transfer to the psychiatric unit at University Hospital Galway will signal the death knell of this vital service.

Foster carers needed for children aged eight to 18

The HSE is seeking foster carers who can provide stable homes, both short and long term, for young people aged eight to 18 years. Foster carers currently provide care to 1,215 children in the west.

New drug education programme launched to help local drug addicts

A new programme to help young people and their families deal with drug-related issues has been established by Ossary Youth and the Aislinn Centre in Kilkenny

Family Resource Centres issue letter to reassure anxious families

The six Family Resource Centres in Carlow and Kilkenny have had to take the unprecedented step of issuing a joint letter to thousands of Carlow/Kilkenny families to inform them of the precarious position of the future of their local community centres and family services following reports of their possible closure in local media.

NUIG leads UNESCO study in Zambia

The UNESCO Child, Youth and Civic Engagement team, based in NUIG, is to take part in an international collaborative research project on civic engagement, youth, and gender in Zambia.


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