Search Results for 'energy support'

3 results found.

Fight fatigue naturally with Evergreen

Do you feel like you are always tired even though you have had good night’s sleep? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Most of us know what it is like to be tired, especially when we have a cold, flu, or some other viral infection. But when you suffer from a constant lack of energy it may be wearing.

Evergreen Healthfoods recipe of the month — peanut butter brownie balls

Energy support | high in protein | all natural

Boost your brain with omega-3

As exams loom, parents are in overdrive trying to help get their children across the finish line of study preparation. Making the right nutritional choices is not always a priority for students during this stressful time and as a result, convenience foods can start to look a lot more appetising! Omega-3 fatty acids help to build brain cell membranes, promote new brain cell formation, as well as aiding hormone synthesis which is immensely important for adolescents. Some key benefits commonly associated with omega-3 include better memory and general brain health, which is why it is so important to get omega-3 fats from the right foods and supplements.


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