Search Results for 'energy generation'
5 results found.
Carna turbines threaten global research

Corio, an energy generation firm backed by Australian financier Macquarie, is poised to lodge a maritime planning application for a €1.5 billion development of offshore wind turbines on Sceirde Rocks, around 5km southwest of Carna, near the historic pilgrimage destination of St MacDara’s Island.
Fáilte Ireland launch funding scheme for regenerative tourism projects in Midlands
Fáilte Ireland has launched an open call for expressions of interest in its Investment Grant-Aid Scheme for private and community SMEs as part of the €68 million EU Just Transition Fund Regenerative Tourism and Placemaking Scheme for the Midlands region 2023-2026.
Business tourism to add three times value to Galway economy
A business visitor is worth up to three times that of the leisure tourist and meetings tend to take place outside the main summer months, which will lead to an extension of the season for the tourism sector in Galway. This has a very positive effect on the local economy in ensuring that jobs are kept in the west.
Housing and student accommodation highlighted in Galway Chamber Budget submission

The need for local action on issues with national dimensions such as housing and student accommodation shortages, transport, energy and parental equality is reflected in Galway Chamber’s submission for Budget 2022.
Ability to sell electricity into the grid under new scheme
Individuals, farmers, businesses and community groups will be able to sell renewable electricity into the grid under a scheme being developed by the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan TD.