Search Results for 'director of services Philip'

4 results found.

Farmers outraged at council summons for littering

A number of farmers in Kilkenny have been served with notice under section 9 of the litter pollution act informing that them unless they have cleared up rubbish on their land within 21 days, fines of up to €130,000 may be issued.

Savings allow recycling facility to remain open

Newrath Recycling facility in south Kilkenny has been thrown a lifeline by Kilkenny County Council.

Council seeks full grant from government for water works

Kilkenny County Council is hoping that in order to meet its commitments to Kilkenny’s water and sewage services, that the government will agree to fund 100 percent of the water Investment Programme set out for 2010 - 2012.

Ground water quality to be addressed

Members of Kilkenny County Council have heard that 50 per cent of Kilkenny’s waters are of a high or good-quality rating which means that at least half of Kilkenny’s rivers and streams are of low quality.


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