Search Results for 'consul'
4 results found.
Sir Roger Casement’s support for a small island in Galway Bay
Sir Roger Casement was a notable humanitarian and a British consul by profession but, ironically, an anti -Imperialist by nature. He over-stepped his diplomatic role to fiercely condemn Belgium for its brutalisation of the people of Congo*. His report, published in 1904, was however, well received by the British establishment, perhaps because it feared that little Belgium was getting too big for its boots, and too wealthy from its African ventures. Casement received a knighthood.
The late Ma O’Driscoll kept a close eye on students’ morals

The death has taken place earlier this month of Ms Mary ‘Ma’ O’Driscoll, the much loved Lady Dean of Residence at NUIG until her retirement. Her home at Taylor’s Hill, opposite the school, was a great meeting place for female students, who might have wanted nothing more than a cup of tea in a friendly home, or a sympathetic listener to a struggle with exams, a landlord, or boyfriends.
Unexpected visitors during World War II
Shortly after dawn on Saturday, September 16 1944, Michael Conneely, a bachelor of 55 years was asleep in his cottage at Ailleabreach, Ballyconneely, when loud banging on his door woke him. He shouted ‘who’s there?’ The storm of the previous two days had abated but he couldn’t make out what the voice said. Grabbing a pitchfork, he slowly opened to door. Outside were two men, wet to the skin, in deep distress. Michael put the pitchfork to the throat of the first man: ‘Who are you?
Ray Rooney — the type of hero every city needs
Ray Rooney was a remarkable man. Tall, distinguished, elegant, articulate, he was the kind of person you’d want on your team batting for your side. The people you want standing on the wall, someone to look over you. As an ambassador, he was most impressive, and although officially the Honorary Norwegian Consul in Ireland, it was for his native Galway that he was most often on diplomatic duties. When he passed away last weekend after a short illness, there was tremendous shock at his death, not least because he was still very much part of what is happening around Galway city and county.