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Choosing subjects for senior cycle
There are lots of factors to consider when choosing your subjects for senior cycle, so it is extremely important to do your research and make informed decisions. Choosing subjects for Leaving Certificate is crucial to ensuring you achieve the best result you can in your Leaving Certificate.
HEAR and DARE access routes
As the normal closing date for CAO is fast approaching on February 1 2021, students who wish to be considered for HEAR or DARE must remember to have indicated this by ticking the boxes accordingly on their CAO form before this deadline. If a student does not meet this deadline his/her HEAR/DARE application will not be considered further. It is also very important to start gathering any supporting documentation that may be needed to complete the application now if you have not already started this process.
Applying to the CAO
For Leaving Certificate students all over the country CAO season is now under way with the opening of the online application facility on November 5.