Search Results for 'car seat'

14 results found.

Free child car seat safety check available in Galway

Galway motorists can have their children's car seats checked for free by the Road Safety Authority later this month.

Top tips to look on the bright side as clocks go back on October 30

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Before children, you probably never gave daylight saving time a second thought but now you’re a parent, there’s nothing you hate more (well, except for maybe when your child stiffens their whole body when you’re trying to get them in their car seat!).

RSA’s free 'Check it Fits Service' is back on the road and coming to Mayo

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Over half of child car seats (56%) checked by the Road Safety Authority’s Check it Fits service were incorrectly fitted and needed some type of adjustment to make them a safe fit.

Rosemount native achieves fundraising initiative feat for Diabetes Ireland

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Opting for an alternative mode of journeying to and from work, availing of his running shoes as opposed to his car seat during the month of July, Rosemount native, Kevin O’Connell completed his desired feat and in the process raised much needed funds (€3,150) for Diabetes Ireland.

‘A rebel garda chases a local hoodlum into the underworld’

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We have all been missing out: that music festival, that cinema date, that theatre show; the exhilaration of live entertainment. Well, Fíbín has the answer.

Parents spending significant finance during baby’s first year

The BabyDoc Club parenting community reveal the real cost of baby, with the first in-depth survey of its kind in Ireland.

Top tips for car journeys with children

With the lifting of travel restrictions and the chance to finally get out and about, many families will strike out for day trips with the children, and some may venture even further afield to enjoy a short break.

RSA Check it Fits to visit Westmeath

Research from the Road Safety Authority’s Check it Fits Service, which checks child car seats and restraints nationwide for free, has revealed that four out of five child car seats are incorrectly fitted nationwide.

Top travel tips for happy car journeys with the children

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With the mid-term break ongoing, many families will strike out for day trips with the kids, some may venture even further afield. But let’s face it car journeys with the kids can be a bit of an endurance test. From the ‘are we nearly there yet?’, to the multiple toilet breaks and requests for food, you can be left feeling overwhelmed.

Top tips for happy car road trips with the children

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With the summer progressing swiftly, many families will strike out for day trips with the kids, some may venture even further afield. But let’s face it car journeys with the kids can be a bit of an endurance test. From the ‘are we nearly there yet?’, to the multiple toilet breaks and requests for food, you can be left feeling overwhelmed.

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