Search Results for 'bacterial infection'
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HSE continues to monitor ‘contacts’ of third level students with TB
No new cases of tuberculosis have been identified in the city since last month when three third level students were diagnosed with the bacterial infection.
Living with Lyme disease

Ben Smyth who lives in Kinvara had always been healthy and rarely visited his doctor. However, everything was to change at the end of August 2006 when the father of three adult children became ill. He initially began to complain of a “pinch-like feeling” on the instep of his right foot.
Savita would still be alive if termination was carried out earlier, says expert witness

There were a number of deficiencies in the care of Savita Halappanavar who could have been still alive today had a request for a termination, to progress an inevitable miscarriage, been carried out one or two days after being admitted to hospital, an expert witness told an inquest yesterday.
Acne is not just a teenage problem
For many people adult acne can occur in later life, when the stress of juggling families and careers takes its toll. Many of the patients who go to Bernie Fahy, skin specialist, also have stressful jobs. Interestingly, many did not have significant acne as teenagers.
Acne is not just a teenage problem
For many, adult acne can kick off in later life, when the stress of juggling families and careers takes its toll. Many of the patients who skin specialist Bernie Fahy sees also have stressful jobs. Interestingly, many did not have significant acne as teenagers.
Cold comfort
Colds are one of the most common ailments of the winter months. Almost 90 per cent of adults get a cold at least once or twice a year, according to the latest research.
More than six thousand calves die on Mayo farms
Some 6,000 calves born on farms in Mayo die before they reach six weeks of age, according to official figures from the Department of Agriculture.