Search Results for 'William Kelly'
3 results found.
The Connacht Laundry

The very word laundry conjures up images of Dickensian workhouses, sweat shops, the smell of Sunlight soap, and long working hours. It is no wonder some 1,500 laundresses went on strike in 1945 for the right to two weeks' holiday.
The long dark shadow

Private James Barry was posted as a sentry at the barrack gate in Castlebar on the night of 13 May 1830. When darkness descended, he tied a long handkerchief to the trigger of his musket. He then tied the other end to the gate bolt, put the muzzle to his chest and stepped backwards. The shot passed through his heart and exited through his spine. The inquest found Barry suffered from temporary insanity occasioned by 'fatal love'.
Castlebar Prison 1781

In the 1980s, the front of Parsons footwear shop in Castlebar was a favourite meeting place for lunchtime liaisons. Being some equidistance between St. Joseph’s Convent of Mercy and St. Gerald’s De La Salle College, you could depart Parsons at 1.50 pm. and be in Peter Filan’s History class bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by 2.00 pm.