Search Results for 'William Earley'

11 results found.

Crazy biker to get jail term extended next week

A man who was seen weaving a motorcycle between traffic at up to 200kph whilst drunk and disqualified after refusing to stop, will be jailed for six months and banned from holding a driver’s licence for 14 years on his return to the District Court next week (February 10), after a suspended sentence is dealt with in Longford next Tuesday.

Uninsured crash mam gets three months and €1,000 fine for “lies” to Gardai

A mother of 10 was given a three month suspended sentence, fined €1,000, and banned from the roads for four years for causing a car crash whilst uninsured that hospitalised three people.

Salesman can’t persuade judge in contested drink driving case

A car salesman who accused two gardai of “telling lies”, was banned from the roads for a year in Athlone District Court this week (February 1) after being convicted of drink driving .

€40 for no driving licence

A pastor caught driving without a licence was fined just €40 at a special sitting of Athlone District Court this week (February 1) after the judge heard his only income was through the church.

Screwdriver man has trial sent to a higher court

A man charged with robbing two local shops with a screwdriver was told this week (February 3) the District Court was refusing jurisdiction and he would have to face trial in the Circuit Court.

Banned mother threatened with jail

A mother of four was warned she would face prison on the next occasion after she was convicted for driving without insurance for the second time in a year, and banned from driving for four years at a special sitting of the District Court this week (February 1).

Fear of Bonavalley stalker can’t save drink drive woman

A woman who claimed the reason she pulled a u-turn to avoid a checkpoint was because she thought it was for the Bonavalley attacker, was banned from driving for four years in the District Court this week (February 1) after she was subsequently found to be over the limit.

Gardai wrongly summons man to court

A Tubberclair man who was summonsed by mistake had the rare privilege of seeing the prosecution hold its hands up in court last Tuesday and admit “it was an error by the State”.

Illegal chopper landing case put back

A businessman who landed his helicopter on a roof in Irishtown in July last year just to collect a set of keys had his case adjourned until November 24 at the District Court last Tuesday.

Court hears how domestic issues are improving

A man who threatened his former partner during a domestic argument but who “is doing quite well” since, was told he would get the benefit of the Probation Act next April if there were no further incidents between now and then.

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