Search Results for 'War'

16 results found.

Join US Veterans for Peace members on a peace walk

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Volunteers are being sought to join Ken Meyers and Tarak Kauff, two former members of the US military, and now members of the US Veterans for Peace group, on the first leg of a peace walk from Limerick to Galway.

No quarter will be given in the battle to be the best

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Some time around 9.30pm tomorrow night after 32 games and 1,960 minutes of football (minus injury time), we will find out who is the best of the best in the county.

Vietnam war veteran to read at Over The Edge

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VIETNAM WAR veteran Jack Grady will be among the poets reading at the Over The Edge Writers’ Gathering, which also includes award-winning Australian poet Joel Deane, and Galway’s Sighle Meehan.

Ceremony honours courageous Battle of Jadotville soldiers

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A ceremony took place in Custume Barracks last Saturday (September 17) to honour the actions of the men of ‘A’ Company, 35th Infantry Battalion and its attachments at the Battle of Jadotville.

Peg Broderick-Nicholson and the War Of Independence

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Peg was born at 17 Prospect Hill of parents with a strong nationalist outlook. She went to school in ‘The Pres’, where after the 1916 Rising there was a pitched battle between the wearers of the red, white, and blue badges (common during World War I) and those wearing green, white, and gold badges. The green side won, but then all the badges were confiscated by Mother Brendan.

Public lecture on the Irish Civil War

The destruction of the Four Courts at the start of the Irish Civil War will be the subject of a public lecture in Galway next week.

British soldier to speak in Galway on ‘war on terror’

Joe Glenton, who served in the British army’s Royal Logistics Corps in Afghanistan, but who has since become a vocal critic of the War on Terror, will speak in Galway next week.

Natty Wailer @ Monroe’s tonight

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NATTY WAILER, the Jamaican reggae singer-songwriter, along with his band The Reggae Vibes, plays Monroe’s Live tonight from 11pm.

Burnings and panic follow Ballyturn ambush

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Following a tennis party at the home of Mr J C Bagot JP, of Ballyturn House, near Gort, on May 15 1921, the IRA scored a devastating blow against the British forces. The local District Inspector, Captain Cecil Blake, his lady companion Eliza Williams; two officers, Capt Cornwallis and Lieutenant McCreery were shot dead in an ambush as they drove away from the house. The IRA party, probably as many as ten men, had taken up position in the gate lodge, and in the surrounding bushes. One gate was closed. The car had to stop to open it. At that moment the IRA opened fire. There was one survivor, Margaret Gregory, the widowed daughter-in-law of Lady Gregory.

Grandson returns to scene of assassinated RIC inspector

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he car pulled up as one side of the gate had been closed by us for that purpose. A man left the car to open the gate. I didn’t know him. When he got to the gate he got the order “hands up” from Ryan and myself. Instead of complying he dodged for cover out of our sight. We concentrated fire on the car, doing our best to save the women in it. The men in the lodge killed the man who came to open the gate. Blake and the other man in the car were killed and one of the two women. Brigadier Stanford (IRA) was on one knee. A bullet hit the stock of his gun, grazed the inside of his leg above the knee and lodged in the heel of his boot. It must have been from the .32 Colt automatic fired by the man who tried to open the gate. I heard afterwards that this man was Captain Cornwallis and that the other man killed was Lieutenant McReary.

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