Search Results for 'Valerie Ledwith'
3 results found.
NUI Galway study shows migrant children have less chance of college
Children of non-migrant parents have a significant advantage over children of migrant parents when it comes to educational achoievement and ambition, a major study undertaken at NUI Galway has revealed. In the study, the Population and Migration research cluster at the Whitaker Institute at NUI Galway has identified an emerging achievement gap between young migrants and their non-migrant peers, which will result in a significant under-representation in third-level institutions.
The form of the city

Sunday morning and the sun is shining after Saturday’s rain. The sky is that clear October blue, the air tastes of autumn. The drive over the Quincentennial Bridge, past the military bulk of the CT Electric building, the utilitarian Mulvoy Park, all along the roundabouts and left, past the industrial estates, past the brown blockhouse Telecom building, takes me into old Mervue.
Is there any space for the public?

What is a civic, public, space in Galway? Is it a publicly owned land or building where people can assemble and meet or in today’s society does it only mean pubs and shopping centres which are privately owned and run for profit? What about those with disabilities, how do they experience Galway city?