Search Results for 'Sustainable gardening'
16 results found.
Westside Gardening offering clients vast landscape and gardening maintenance options
Under the expert guidance of brothers, Alan and David Duffy, Westside Gardening provides clients with a wealth of landscape and gardening maintenance options in the Midlands region, Leinster and Connaught.
Feed the birds now and they will protect your garden from pests all summer
Gardening enthusiasts and vegetable growers in Galway are being encouraged to feed their local bird populations over the coming months to ensure they are around in summer to play a vital role in pest control.
Gardenwise | Gardening Scentsibly – choosing the best perfumed plants
I’m often asked about scented plants. They can pack a powerful emotional punch, reminding you of your mother’s favourite flowers or the blooms from your granny’s garden, so it’s not surprising they’re high on the wish list of lots of my clients.
Weed control with Gardener’s Choice bark mulch
Gardener’s Choice is the safe solution to the problem of weeding. A layer of Gardener’s Choice bark to a depth of 4in (100mm) will prevent the emergence of weeds.
Weed control with Gardener’s Choice bark mulch
Gardener’s Choice is the safe solution to the problem of weeding. A layer of Gardener’s Choice bark to a depth of 4in (100mm) will prevent the emergence of weeds.
Must We Mulch?
I’ve noticed when discussing garden plans with clients that there’s a lot of confusion about mulch – what is it, do you need it and how much do you need? It’s not that hard really, and it makes sense when you consider what mulch is for and what it does.
Free food growing heritage, gardening, and permaculture workshop
Derrick Hambleton of An Tasice and permaculture advisor, Hannah Mole will host a free workshop on food growing, gardening, and permaculture this weekend as part of Galway City Heritage Week.
Weed control with Gardener’s Choice bark mulch
Gardener’s Choice is the safe solution to the problem of weeding.
Weed control with Gardener’s Choice bark mulch
Gardener’s Choice is the safe solution to the problem of weeding.
Get your gardening on
The birds are signing. The bees are buzzing. The sun is shining (every so often). The summer has arrived and all you want to do is sit back in the comfort of your garden and unwind from the stresses and strains of everyday life. The only problem is that the garden has been neglected over the winter and is in need of some TLC.