Search Results for 'Separation'

3 results found.

Why Ireland needs Church-State separation

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Crisis situations can often lead to unresolved issues being brought to the fore, and while the worst extremes of the financial and political crisis facing Ireland have been temporarily papered over, a host of other issues have reemerged to expose the social, political, and operational contradictions of the State.

Public meeting to call for separation of church and state

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The right of people to practice their religion freely without interference or repression from the State is an important right in any democracy, and equally no religion should have a privileged position in the State or inform government policy and legislation.

Divorce and separation mediation service

Galway Divorce & Separations have produced a six-page coloured brochure aimed at couples whose marriage has broken down and who wish to proceed with an express closure to their marriage by divorce or separation.


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