Search Results for 'Sensory system'

10 results found.

Music To Ease The Pain

MUSIC TO Ease The Pain is the title of a fundraising gig which will be held in Padraig’s Place, New Dock Road, at 9pm this Saturday.

Caring for your ears

The world’s first water absorbing earplugs absorb water from the ear quickly, conveniently and safely.

Back pain sufferers wanted for research programme

People who are unable to work or are on reduced work hours due to back pain are being sought to take part in a research programme at NUI Galway.

Pain: Symptom or disease?

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When I interviewed Dr. David Finn of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at NUI, Galway, I alluded at first to a statement I found in one of his recently published papers: “The study of stress-induced analgesia has enhanced our understanding of the fundamental physiology of pain and stress and can be a useful approach for uncovering new therapeutic targets for the treatment of pain and stress-related disorders.”

New courses at Connemara College of Natural Healing

It is springtime and time for new beginnings. First of all you need to prepare yourself with a good course. Connemara College of Natural Healing will hold an introductory weekend workshop on Kairos Therapy on May 7 and 8 from 10am to 5.30pm.

New courses at Connemara College of Natural Healing

There will be an introductory weekend workshop on Kairos Therapy on May 7 and May 8 from 10am to 5.30pm.

Coping with chronic pain

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Aiden Kennedy had just moved to Australia in 1987 when a boating accident changed his life forever.

Counting the cost of chronic pain

The introduction of improved services for people in the early stages of chronic pain could help cut the “sizeable” economic burden caused by the condition - an estimated €4.76 billion per year - in Ireland, a leading Galway based expert said this week.

Help the people who know those who need help

In Dickens’ time, poverty was easy to identify. People in that category would, according to the writer, sidle up to you in the street and say ‘spare a tannah for a cuppa tea, guv. Bless ya.” These days it is not so easy to identify want in people.

Chronic pain affects one in three people, reveals NUI Galway study

NUI Galway researchers have described chronic pain as a “silent epidemic” in this country, having found that one in three people suffer from the condition.


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