Search Results for 'Samaritans'
104 results found.
‘We’re here for you this Christmas’ is message from Galway Samaritans

Public buildings and businesses are urged to light up in green for the Longest Night on December 21. Samaritans in Galway are calling on the public to support its Longest Night campaign which reminds those struggling to cope that its helpline is open during their darkest hours this Christmas.
‘Night Owl’ volunteers are now wanted by Athlone and Midland Samaritans
Athlone and Midlands Samaritans are launching a major volunteer recruitment campaign to encourage Night Owls to become involved and help to change people’s lives.
Do you want to join Galway Samaritans listening volunteers?
Volunteers are the heart of Galway Samaritans. The commitment of its volunteers means anyone who is going through difficult times can count on Samaritans to be there day and night, 365 days a year.
Galway Samaritans to hold open meeting for people interested in volunteering

Volunteers are the heart of Galway Samaritans. The commitment of volunteers means anyone who is going through difficult times can count on Samaritans to be there day and night, 365 days a year.
Festive atmosphere most prevalent at sold out Samaritans Christmas concert
Within the surrounds of the Franciscan Friary, a festive atmosphere abounded as festive carols graced the 31st edition of the Samaritans Christmas concert.
Castlebar Samaritans launch their service on Thomas Street

Castlebar Samaritans, the latest addition to the Samaritan network will be officially launched in 21 Upper Thomas St., Castlebar on Monday, August 28 at 5.30pm.
Supportive Athlone and Midland Samaritans campaign highlights life-changing impact of talking
Throughout July, Athlone and Midland Samaritans is reminding the public that its volunteers provide around-the-clock emotional support to anyone who is struggling to cope.
Athlone Midland Samaritans to participate in Charlie Bird Hand of Friendship Walk

Volunteers from Athlone Midland Samaritans will mark a special Charlie Bird Hand of Friendship Walk next month by participating in solidarity in Lough Key Forest Park, Co Roscommon.
Would you like to join the Galway Samaritans team of listening volunteers?
Volunteers are the heart of Galway Samaritans. The commitment of its volunteers means anyone who is going through difficult times can count on Samaritans to be there day and night, 365 days a year.
Athlone and Midland Samaritans seeking new listening volunteers
Have you three hours a week to spare? If so, Athlone and Midland Samaritans are seeking new listening volunteers to help deliver their emotional support service to callers.