Search Results for 'Saint Nicholas'
7 results found.
Santa Claus comes to Galway

St Nicholas of Myra is the patron saint of archers, sailors, merchants, repentant thieves, brewers, pawnbrokers, unmarried people, students, and children. He is also the patron saint of Galway, and our oldest church, St Nicholas' Collegiate, is named after him. He was a legendary giver of gifts, particularly to the poor. He would hand coins in through windows or open doors, and if they were closed, sometimes he would put them down the chimney. This was the origin of the tradition of Santa coming down the chimney bearing gifts. The tradition was good for business for chimney sweeps, it would be difficult to explain soot marks on the floor on Christmas morning.
History made for local Church of Ireland community as St Nicholas’ gets its first female rector
St Nicholas’s Collegiate church has seen many changes in the city over the hundreds of years it has stood guard over the street, but is about to experience a new one with the announcement this week that its new rector will be the first female to hold the post.
American music in St Nicholas’
AMERICAN TRADITIONAL and choral music will join forces for a concert in St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church on Wednesday May 15 at 8pm.
Russian choir to sing in St Nicholas’
Russia’s renowned Sirin Ensemble choir will be singing in St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church this Tuesday.
Carol Services at St Nicholas
The Annual Civic Carol Service in St Nicholas’ is on Sunday Dec 19 at 4.00pm and will include a traditional service of nine lessons and carols with a special blessing of the whole city. The service will be attended by the Mayor and city councillors as well as Rt Rev Richard Henderson, Bishop of Tuam and Bishop Martin Drennan, and representatives of all the main churches in the city. The public are invited to go along and join in celebrating the Nativity in prayers, readings and carols.
St Nicholas’ Annual Christmas Fair this weekend
St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church will hold its Annual Christmas Fair this Saturday from 10am to 2pm in St Patrick’s School Hall.
St Nicholas’s remains are interred in Kilkenny
The body of the ‘old Santa Claus’ or the man who inspired the current Santa Claus can be found buried in County Kilkenny.