Search Results for 'Phytotherapy'

6 results found.

Give your health a helping hand at Health and Herbs

Over-indulgence, extra activities, late nights and increased socialising puts additional pressure on your immune and digestive systems.

Open day at health and herbs for Enable Ireland Galway

Health and Herbs is holding an open day at its premises on Sea Road on Saturday from 12 noon to 4pm in aid of local charity Enable Ireland.

Children’s colouring competition at Health and Herbs

Herbal remedies for everyday health

What are the benefits of herbs and how can we use them in everyday life?

Dr Clare’s Natural Skin Clinic comes to Galway

Acne, acne rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis are chronic skin problems that can lead to low self esteem, scarring and further skin damage.

Author of Canada bestseller The Boreal Herbal to visit Galway

What are the benefits of herbs and how can we use them in our everyday lives? The bestselling author of the beautifully presented and illustrated book The Boreal Herbal will discuss these question in a talk and free demonstration this weekend.


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