Search Results for 'Paul'

11 results found.

Kilkenny Shop donates €30,000 to St Vincent de Paul

This week, the Kilkenny Shop proudly handed over a cheque to the value of €30,000 to the St Vincent de Paul society. €15,000 of the donation was raised by Kilkenny customers in the company’s stores nationwide, with the owners of the Kilkenny Group, the O’Gorman family, offering an additional €15,000 to match the amount raised by its customers.

Calls to St Vincent de Paul society up by fifty per cent

A local charity, which reaches out to the needy, received more than 3,000 calls for help last year, a 50 per cent increase on 2010.

Calls to St Vincent de Paul society rocketed by fifty per cent this year

The number of people seeking assistance from the Galway branch of the St Vincent de Paul Society has rocketed by 50 per cent this year.

Calls to local St Vincent de Paul rose by fifty per cent in January

The Galway branch of the Saint de Paul Society has reported an estimated 50 per cent increase in the number of people contacting it for help this January compared with last year.

Claremorris Lions Club

The Claremorris and District Lions Club would like to thank the people of Claremorris and surrounding areas for their generous support again this year of the Lions Club Food Appeal.

Don’t be too proud to ask for help

In all of our communities right now, there are husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, who have lost their jobs and are wondering how they are going to make it through the winter and out the far side. They know that there are but a few weeks to Christmas yet they have never been as badly prepared as they are this year. Thousands of homes will experience a Christmas the likes of which they have not experienced for some years.

Christmas lights and recession blues

It’s time for the big Christmas debate. You know the one: is it too early to start the Christmas buzz in November?

St Vincent de Paul donations up from last year

January 2009, the country is in the depth of a recession but here in Castlebar there is a small light of hope for those struggling in these times of troubles. The St Vincent de Paul offices on Pavilion Road Castlebar have announced that donations are up 50% on last year.

Help the people who know those who need help

In Dickens’ time, poverty was easy to identify. People in that category would, according to the writer, sidle up to you in the street and say ‘spare a tannah for a cuppa tea, guv. Bless ya.” These days it is not so easy to identify want in people.

A Christmas wonderland in Salthill

A new indoor Christmas fair is to take place on Sunday December 20 in Leisureland, Salthill. A ‘Winter Wonderland’ awaits as visitors are urged to go and soak up the atmosphere, browse the market stalls, visit Father Christmas in Santa’s grotto, and enjoy homemade food, mulled wine, and hot chocolate.

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