Search Results for 'Patrick Ward'

11 results found.

Armed gardaí required at Athlone court for Traveller feud hearing

Upwards of 20 gardaí, including an armed response unit, were present to maintain order as the latest seven protagonists in the ongoing Joyce-Ward feud went before the District Court on Wednesday (January 11).

‘Peacemaker’ left in coma after street brawl spiralled out of control

An argument which started when a car revved aggressively to get a crowd out of its way quickly turned into a street brawl in which one man was left in a two-week coma in Dublin suffering terrible pain and having a quarter of his skull removed, a jury has heard.

Prison sentence for social welfare fraudster

A Cork man who had claimed social welfare benefit using his brother’s name and social welfare card at Ballyhaunis Post Office on 11 separate occasions in 2009 was given six months in prison for failing to pay back money that was owed in Ballyhaunis District Court.

Blackberry five remanded in custody

Five Athlone men charged in connection with an alleged attack at the home of Joe Joyce in Moate last Sunday were remanded in custody with consent to bail at Tuesday’s sitting of Longford District Court.

Not Paddy’s Day

A man called Patrick involved in a disturbance outside a church on March 17, was fined €500 for his troubles in the District Court this week (May 12).

Man to pay back social welfare money he stole

A Cork man who, on 11 separate occasions, claimed social welfare benefit using his brother’s name and card at Ballyhaunis Post Office, was this week before Ballyhaunis District Court.

Conviction for multiple social welfare frauds

A Cork man who on 11 separate occasions claimed social welfare benefit using his brother’s name and card at Ballyhaunis Post Office, pleaded guilty to all 11 charges in Ballyhaunis District Court this week. Patrick Ward of 31 Blueberry Field, Broomfiled, Middleton, Co Cork, stole €2,247.30 in benefits over the course of 11 weeks before he was caught red handed by gardaí.

Man fined for abuse of gardai

A man who abused gardai when they arrived at his house to sort out a domestic row was fined €500 at Galway District Court recently.

‘Unpleasant little bully’ convicted

A Castlebar man who breached the peace by being verbally abusive to his son, was told by Judge Mary Devins that he was nothing but an “unpleasant little bully”, at Castlebar District Court this week.

Galway boxers take on Chicago’s All-American team

An all-star American team of boxers will take on Irish champions in a top-class international amateur boxing contest between twin cities Galway and Chicago on Sunday July 12.

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