Search Results for 'National Union'
6 results found.
Damien Tiernan to open Éigse
The long-standing annual Éigse Sliabh Rua November conference on local history is due to open this coming Friday November 11 at 8pm in the Rhu Glen Hotel Slieverue.
Closure of local newspaper lamented
Challenging times for the media industry were seen to take their toll on neighbouring newspapers this month with the closure of the Roscommon Champion which has been operating for more than 80 years.
Street protest as three midlands newspapers are shut down
Staff members, family, friends, and supporters, including local councillors and Oireachtas members, took part in a street march yesterday to protest at the shock closure of three midlands newspapers this week.(Thursday).
There are only two classes — working and ruling, maintains legendary Scargill

Arthur Scargill, the legendary British trade ynion leader, has lead a full and colourful life. He helped bring down Ted Heath, took on Thatcher, and dined with Khrushchev. However he was, and always will be, a fighter for the workers. Now in his seventies, he shows no signs of slowing down and his passion for politics and trade unionism remains undimmed.
Arthur Scargill to speak in Galway this month

Arthur Scargill, the controversial British politician and trade union leader, is coming to Galway at the end of this month to address a public meeting hosted by the James Connolly Forum.
Panic prompts public meeting on college fees
The reintroduction of college fees has sparked “panic” among Galway students, according to GMIT Students’ Union president, Patrick Bonner.