Search Results for 'Mick Gillooly'

4 results found.

Ocean caring project wins national honour for Scoil Chaitríona

Scoil Chaitríona Junior, Renmore, Galway, has been crowned the national winner of the Explorers Ocean Champion School Awards 2023 for their Healthy Ocean project, ‘Caring for our Ocean’.

Ocean caring project wins national honour for Scoil Chaitríona

Scoil Chaitríona Junior, Renmore, Galway, has been crowned the national winner of the Explorers Ocean Champion School Awards 2023 for their Healthy Ocean project, ‘Caring for our Ocean’.

Mini-sailboat launched from Galway ends up in Norway

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The Marine Institute’s Explorers Education Programme and Educational Passages are said to be delighted that the 1.5 metre unmanned mini sailboat called ‘Seoltóir Na Gaillimhe – the Galway Sailor’, that was deployed by a Galway school in June, was recently found stranded on the Bunes Beach above the Arctic Circle in the Lofoten Islands, in Norway.

Spanish shipyard to build Galway’s new marine research vessel

A contract has been signed between the Marine Institute and Spanish shipyard Astilleros Armon Vigo S.A. for the construction of Ireland’s new Galway-based state-of-the-art marine research vessel, following the completion of the design of the vessel by Skipsteknisk AS of Norway.


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