Search Results for 'Metaphysics'

46 results found.

It’s time to decide on your college course choices

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Whether you are a current year Leaving Cert student or sat your school leaving exams at another time or in another jurisdiction, and have applied to the CAO in 2023, now is decision time.

It’s time to decide on your college course choices

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Whether you are a current year Leaving Cert student or sat your school leaving exams at another time or in another jurisdiction, and have applied to the CAO in 2023, now is decision time.

For those considering course or career choices in 2023 this week is decision time, or is it?

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The choice of career path options are many and varied.

The importance of napping and/or meditation

I am such a big fan of naps during the day, but some people find it very difficult to do this. I don’t care if I actually sleep. What I am trying to do is down regulate my system. Things can be very go, go, go! Without even noticing we can constantly be working hard and holding a bit of stress. That is why I try get at least a 30 minute nap. This way I get a chance to tune out, restart, and go again. The science is there to show that this improves productivity. This means you gain time by napping or meditating rather than waste it.

Series of coincidences reunites local family with prized sporting memorabilia


Wash your hands for Francis' Soap Shop's third birthday

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These are unusual times in which we live with Government restrictions limiting forages outside for shopping and exercise within 2km of our homes. These changes to our everyday lives can be tough on the mind, body, and soul but celebrating its third birthday, Francis Soap Shop has some tips and products for customers to help the relax during the lockdown.

Difficult relationships

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Are you ready to connect with your own authentic power and find stillness within? Are you Willing to communicate from your heart while navigating the complexity of human relationships? If you would like to bring peace into your life discover how empowering resolutions can help.

'The future will happen whether we like it or not. So let's try to enjoy it'

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Years of research lead a scientist to discover a way in which people can be ‘upgraded’ to better, more advanced, more intelligent versions of themselves, but it is a science in its early form, It is not fully tested. In the wrong hands it could be dangerous.

How to choose a coaching course

Choosing a course can be difficult. How do you distinguish between all the available options?

How to choose a coaching course

Choosing a course can be difficult. How do you distinguish between all the available options?


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