Search Results for 'Mayo Industries Group'

7 results found.

Chamber to answer Barrett’s call for public meeting on Castlebar jobs crisis

Castlebar town councillor Harry Barrett has called on councillors to focus on what he has dubbed “the emergency jobs crisis” in Castlebar and has called for an urgent public meeting on the issue. Cllr Barrett made his call in the wake of the ongoing concern regarding the loss of 30 jobs in the Homebase outlet in Castlebar and a spate of recent closures of local businesses.

County roads top of agenda on Mayo Industries Group meeting with An Taoiseach

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny held one of his biannual meetings with the Mayo Industries Group a couple of weeks ago to discuss road access to the county.

Blow for Castlebar as Baxter to cut 200 jobs

Up to 200 jobs are to be lost at Baxter in Castlebar after staff at the plant were called to a meeting on Wednesday where they were informed that 150 redundancies would be sought from the 1,100 permanent employees while 50 temporary positions are also to be cut at the plant.

Taoiseach meets Mayo deputation on N5 concerns

Beverley Flynn TD met with An Taoiseach Brian Cowen recently to press the case for urgent improvements to the N5 between Mayo and Longford.

Multinationals pull-out threat gives rise to reality check on roads

The shocking revelation that four of the big multi-nationals in County Mayo are considering pulling out of the region due to the dire condition of our roads has provided the reality check that infrastructure is a top priority for the future success of the region. Coca Cola and Hollister in Ballina, Baxter in Castlebar, and Allergan in Westport are all massive employers in the area yet lumps and bumps in our roads are forcing management to consider exiting the market.

Anger at €11.7 million investment in Mayo Roads

Mayo has been allocated €11.7 million under the National Roads Programme 2009 but there has been anger expressed at what was dubbed “the crumbs off the table”.

Taoiseach to rethink Mayo-Longford N5 investment needs

An Taoiseach Brian Cowen has promised to look again at national roads projects with a view to applying scarce funds to where they are most urgently required.


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