Search Results for 'Maude Gonne'
7 results found.
Twentieth Autumn Gathering focused on Yeats’ passionate relationships
Even though the 20th successive Autumn Gathering centred on the talented Lady Augusta Gregory and her influence on the Celtic cultural revival at the beginning of the last century, it was her prodigy, WB Yeats, who stole the show.
The strange exile of a disillusioned ‘Buck Mulligan’
Following his narrow escape from Republican forces, who were intent on killing him by the banks of the Liffey that cold night in January 1923, Oliver St John Gogarty wisely took himself off to London. He immediately became the toast of polite society there who delighted in his stories and witty conversation.
The Coole door knocker will rat-a-tat-tat once again
How many famous people lifted that heavy brass knocker on the door of Lady Augusta Gregory’s home at Coole, Co Galway, and gave it a resounding rat- a -tat -tat? It resounded again last weekend with all the authority of a grumpy judge’s gavel. The writer and broadcaster John Quinn, chairman of the 19th Autumn Gathering, used it to great effect to keep speakers to their time, and to summon people to the next event.
Macnas parade promises a world of invention and imagination
A 13-year-old girl dreams of being an inventor. She’s not satisfied with the way the world is and she wants to do something about it, so she looks to her hero Leonardo Da Vinci for inspiration.
GAAW to hold ‘mock funeral processions’ protest
Mock funeral processions to remember “the innocent killed by the British and US war machines in their on-going illegal wars” are to take place in Galway.
When the king came to town
King Edward VII was known as ‘Peacemaker’ for his role in fostering good relations between Britain and France, he was renowned for his politeness and good manners, and throughout the continent he was affectionately called the ‘Uncle of Europe’.
Autumn Gathering hears how ‘ghosts’ saved the marriage of Ireland’s famous poet
One of the most unusual strategies ever used by a young wife to keep a faltering marriage together was employed by Mrs W B Yeats on their honeymoon.