Search Results for 'Mark Gaffney'
3 results found.
Huge economic boost for city as record numbers feast in Kilkenny
More than 20,000 people are estimated to have attended the fifth annual Savour Kilkenny Food Festival over the bank holiday weekend providing a welcome boost to the local economy and strengthening Kilkenny’s reputation as one of Ireland’s premier food destinations.
Campagne enters Bridgestone top 100 restaurants
There are 16 new entries in the Bridgestone 100 Best Restaurants in Ireland 2009 and one of these is a Kilkenny restaurant – Campagne in Gashouse Lane. In total, three Kilkenny restaurants have been declared as being amongst the top 100 restaurants in the country – this is an increase of one on last year.
Savour Kilkenny tastes at October food fest
Hunderds of people enjoyed the Savour Kilkenny food festival last year and this year, the attendance at the many events taking place throughout the city and county is excepted to double.