Search Results for 'Kilcreene Orthopaedic Hospital'
6 results found.
McGuinness calls for stronger leadership as FF seeks to reconnect
Fianna Fáil’s greatest challenge is reconnecting with the public who always supported it, according to local TD John McGuinness, an outspoken critic of Taoiseach Brian Cowen’s leadership.
Nurses partake in street protest at Kilkenny hospital cuts
Kilkenny nurses are to take to the streets today (Friday) in a protest at bed closures and nurse ‘redeployments’ which are to occur at Kilkreene Orthapaedic Hospital this month and carry on until the end of December this year.
Reverse Kilcreene cuts says Phelan
A Kilkenny politician has spoken out about the revelation in this paper last week that Kilkreene Orthapaedic hopsital is to close two thirds of its beds until after Christmas.
Beds to close at Kilkenny hospitals to fulfil service plan commitments
Kilcreene Orthopaedic Hospital has confirmed that it is to close a number of beds at the hospital for the remainder of the year . One theatre will also close for the months of July and August.
Connery warns of ward closure ‘hardship’
The temporary closure of the gynaecology ward at St Luke’s Hospital will cause unnecessary hardship for women awaiting treatment and procedures, a local Fine Gael Councillor has warned.
Fears growing for future of St Luke’s Hospital
A decision regarding the future organisation of St Luke’s Hospital in Kilkenny and acute hospital services in the south-east is to be made in coming months but fears are that Kilkenny may lose two of its vital departments.