Search Results for 'John Lynskey'

3 results found.

IFA demands action on grain income crisis

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Speaking following an IFA grain growers protest in Foynes port in Limerick last week, IFA National Grain Chairman Liam Dunne said grain farmers are extremely angry that some traders and brokers have sourced imported barley when plentiful supplies of quality native grain are available.

Delegation meets department on clean livestock policy

IFA National Livestock Chairman Angus Woods said IFA recently met with officials in the Department of Agriculture on the Clean Livestock Policy and, contrary to some reports, the Department explained to IFA that they are consulting with stakeholders with a view to renewing efforts to improve the overall situation.

IFA lamb price survey shows dramatic sixty per cent mark up by retailers

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An IFA lamb price survey of five national supermarkets shows that retailers are charging consumers from €10 to €16/kg for the key lamb cuts, while the farmer price has fallen from €5.50/kg to as low as €4.70/kg in the last two weeks.


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