Search Results for 'IgG'

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Do food intolerances cause eczema?

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“Frustrated parents, along with irritated children, presenting with itchy, red, bleeding, and puss-filled skin sores are cases we see all too often at The Liosbaun Clinic,” according to Yvonne O' Shaughnessy, nutritionist and leading food intolerance specialist at the clinic. “The occurrence of eczema in children is far more prevalent nowadays, and I see it being related mainly to diet but also other environmental factors a lot of the time.”

Why you can't lose weight — what foods are making you fat?

The IgG weight loss system is a revolutionary way to lose weight using blood analysis. Did you know that despite all your efforts to work out and lose weight, if you are eating foods you are allergic or intolerant to it can make you fat? When an intolerance has developed, for example to wheat, the body will hold onto fluids to protect any potentially vulnerable areas, such as the intestinal tract. This water retention causes puffiness and weight gain.

Food intolerance testing at Health and Herbs

A food allergy happens almost immediately, usually within one hour. This reaction is very evident.


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