Search Results for 'Harriet'

3 results found.

“They had their great days and peace and plenty...”

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Week IV

‘One of the most extraordinary persons’ Maria Edgeworth ever met

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As the legendary Colonel Richard Martin neared the end of his life in Boulogne, where he had fled to escape his numerous creditors, a large four-horse carriage, on which two postilions, in jackets of dark-blue frieze, guided the coach on horse-back, arrived at the front door of Ballynahinch. It was dark, and its occupants were in a state of near exhaustion.

Citóg - saving the best until last

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THE FINAL round of Citóg gigs for 2015 really are a case of saving the bet until last, with a trio of events showcasing some of the best talent in indie, folk, hard rock, and singer-songwriter to emerge from, or be based in, County Galway.


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