Search Results for 'Hardiman Research Building'

14 results found.

Cruinniú poiblí faoi phlean gaeilge chathair na Gaillimhe

Reáchtálfar cruinniú poiblí faoi Phlean Gaeilge Chathair na Gaillimhe Dé Máirt 7 Bealtaine ag 7.30pm i seomraí G010 & G011, Áras Taighde Uí Argadáin, Ollscoil na hÉireann Gaillimh.

Mayor to launch The Galway Review 7

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THE GALWAY Review 7, the latest anthology of prose, poetry, stories, and essays by Galway and international writers, will be launched by the Mayor of Galway, Labour city councillor Niall McNelis, next week.

University to mark legacy of graduate who helped rebuild San Francisco

A public lecture and the launch of a new mini documentary on NUI Galway graduate and former city engineer of San Francisco, Michael Maurice O’Shaughnessy will form part of two days of activities marking his legacy.

NUI Galway to host Women’s History symposium tomorrow

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NUI Galway’s Moore Institute will tomorrow (Friday Feb 16) host a symposium presented by the Women’s History Association of Ireland. One of Ireland’s leading historians, Professor Mary O’Dowd from Queen’s University Belfast, will address the association on the progress and pathways for future research on Irish women’s history from 1500-1800.

The French connection - Cúirt to celebrate Michel Déon

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THE HIBERNOPHILE French author Michel Déon will be celebrated at a series of events at this month's Cúirt International Festival of Literature, organised in conjunction with the French Embassy and NUI, Galway.

NUI Galway book launch and public lecture on women in Ireland

Gender ARC and the Centre for Global Women’s Studies at NUI Galway will host a book launch and public lecture on Thursday, 5 May. NUI Galway’s Dr Caitriona Clear will launch her upcoming book Women’s Voices in Ireland: women’s magazines in the 1950s and 60s.

Mayor of the city to launch The Galway Review 4

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Fianna Fáil Galway West TD Éamon O'Cuív is among those whose writings are featured in The Galway Review 4, the new anthology of prose, poetry, and essays.

Children of the Revolution

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REBELS AND patriots, soldiers for king and country, all kinds of political opinions and actions could be found among the students of University College Galway during the turbulent years of 1913-1919.

Children of the Revolution

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REBELS AND patriots, soldiers for king and country, all kinds of political opinions and actions could be found among the students of University College Galway during the turbulent years of 1913-1919.

#wakingthefeministswest - showcasing creative women

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INSPIRED BY the #WakingTheFeminists movement, #wakingthefeministswest will celebrate west of Ireland female voices in theatre, dance, devised work, work from the archives, and work by emerging writers.

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