Search Results for 'Gulf of Mexico'
6 results found.
Give yourself a margin of safety
Eoin Everard
Give yourself a margin of safety
In late August of 2005, one of the most dangerous tropical storms in history began brewing. The waters of the Gulf of Mexico were unusually warm that month, and the high temperatures transformed the ocean basin into a giant cauldron with the optimal conditions for growth.
Women in Science – Vera Quinlan

To celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11th February 2021, the Marine Institute is highlighting the many brilliant women who play transformative and ambitious roles in understanding, exploring, protecting and sustainably managing our oceans wealth.
Experience vibrant Cuba on an escorted tour with Fahy Travel

Join Fahy Travel on a once in a lifetime escorted holiday to Cuba and discover the unique character and history this fascinating country has to offer.
Racing the Union’s blockade of Confederate ports

The American Civil War (1861-1865) offered rich pickings to qualified seamen and shipowners looking for quick profits. The Union blockade of southern ports was beginning to have an effect on Confederate trade. But any ship which steamed safely through the blockade could command high prices for its cargo. On the homeward journey, if you were lucky, large profits could be made on a cargo of cotton which was in big demand in Britain.
Mexican food - it’s so hot right now

There is something hot happening in Ireland — Mexican food, one of the biggest food trends of recent years, has gone mainstream, and shows no signs of cooling down just yet.