Search Results for 'General Hospital for Carlow/Kilkenny'
15 results found.
New Year, new life, for happy Kilkenny couple

2012 has been a pretty good year for many couples who are already celebrating the birth of their babies in the early hours of January 1.
Colonoscopy services may not be in this year’s hospital plan
It is still unclear as to whether or not the dedicated colonoscopy service, which had been planned for St Luke’s Hospital in Kilkenny will be included in the 2012 annual review of the Capital Plan.
Panic following chemical incident at St Luke’s

There was panic at St Luke’s Hospital on Tuesday as the Hospital Internal Emergency Plan was activated in Kilkenny.
St Luke’s receives funding of €1.9million
St Luke’s Hospital in Kilkenny has secured over €1.9million in funding from the National Casemix Programme which distributes acute hospital funding.
Visiting Restrictions lifted at St Luke’s Hospital
Visiting restrictions at St Luke’s General Hospital for Carlow/Kilkenny have been lifted once again.
Visiting restrictions lifted at St Luke’s
Visiting restrictions at St Luke’s General Hospital for Carlow/Kilkenny have been lifted.
Winter vomiting prevents visitors to St Luke’s
A full ban on visiting is in place at St. Luke’s General Hospital for Carlow/Kilkenny, in a bid to curb suspected cases of the Winter Vomiting Bug.
Baby boom in St Luke’s leads to chaos on maternity ward
Some 21 admissions to the maternity unit at St Luke’s Hospital on Wednesday this week led to chaos on the ward, which saw up to seven women in beds on corridors.
Connery warns of ward closure ‘hardship’
The temporary closure of the gynaecology ward at St Luke’s Hospital will cause unnecessary hardship for women awaiting treatment and procedures, a local Fine Gael Councillor has warned.
Visitor restrictions at St Luke’s to combat swine flu
Strict visitor restrictions are in place in St Luke’s General Hospital for Carlow/Kilkenny, in an effort to protect patients and staff and prevent further spread of swine flu.