Search Results for 'Garda Chief Superintendent'
5 results found.
Cathaoirleach seeks meeting with senior Gardai following Athlone tragedy

Noting his concerns pertaining to community policing, Cathaoirleach of Westmeath Council, Cllr Aengus O'Rourke, has penned a letter to Garda Chief Superintendent, John Dollard, requesting an urgent meeting to discuss issues which are continuing to have a detrimental impact within Athlone and its immediate environs.
Galway cyclists call for lower speed limits
Galway needs to follow the example of Wales and decrease its speed limits for urban areas from 50km/h to 30km/h, that is the opinion of the chairperson of Galway Cycling Campaign, Kevin Jennings.
Midlands Steering Group lauds local communities fight against COVID-19
As local communities maintain and sustain their ongoing fight against COVID-19, the three principal response agencies that make up the Midlands Regional Steering Group (An Garda Síochána, the HSE and the Local Authorities, along with the ETBs and AIT) have thanked people for their work on stopping the spread of the virus.
Councillors say gardai should make more effort to prosecute law-breaking cyclists
Galway city councillors have raised concerns whether enough is being done to tackle offences committed by cyclists in the city.
Rural Galway declines - and no one is shouting stop

It only seems like yesterday that rural Ireland was standing up to the Dublin 4 diktat. Luke 'Ming' Flanagan was in the Dáil and the Turf Cutters and Contractors Association was waging a crusade which took rural areas by storm. Ming and Michael Fitzmaurice, backed by an able backroom team, were uniting people against the over-centralised Irish State and its masters in Brussels and Berlin.