Search Results for 'Ferrybank'

33 results found.

Judge commends brave young man after homophobic abuse

Judge Seamus Hughes has described a story by a young man as “very brave” when he explained how he had been walking home with his boyfriend when he was involved in an incident of homophobic abuse.

Viability of proposed library in Ferrybank questioned

Kilkenny County Council and Waterford City Council must urgently develop a joint retail strategy which would include plans for one of the most populated areas of the city’s environs — Ferrybank.

Progress for sewerage scheme at Cloone, Mullinabro, and Newrath

A member of the staff from Kilkenny County Council has visited the areas of Mullinabro, Newrath, and Cloone in south Kilkenny with a view to upgrading the substandard sewage system in operation in the areas, and plans are being made to invite community representatives to the area office in Newrath to discuss the issues involved.

Council gives library and local area offices plan thumbs up

News that south Kilkenny is to benefit from a new library has been warmly welcomed by members of Kilkenny County Council this week.

€1m library project planned for Ferrybank

A €1 million library and local services project is being planned for Ferrybank in south Kilkenny.

Dunnes dispute prolongs delays at Ferrybank shopping centre site

Dunnes Stores has been ordered to pay almost €20million to a developer following an arbitrator’s decision this week.

Unfinished housing estates to be made safe by council

Funding has been provided to Kilkenny County Council by the Minister of State for Housing for unfinished housing estates in the county, however only half of the funding allocated was taken up by the council.

Zoning of land in south Kilkenny deferred

An 11-hectare parcel of land has become a stumbling block for members of Kilkenny County Council who are attempting to conclude the finer details of the Ferrybank/Belview Local Area Plan.

Extension for Kilkenny’s Abbey Community College

The Government has announced significant funding for a major extension to one of south Kilkenny’s most popular second level schools.

Council rejects Waterford’s pleas on Ferrybank development

The opening of a large retail development in Ferrybank edged another step closer this week when the county council confirmed a proposed alteration to the county development plan.


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