Search Results for 'Equal opportunity'
4 results found.
'In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity'
In the words of Albert Einstein, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity”. While these words may not currently fully resonate with Leaving Cert students, and their families, there may be opportunities available which could have otherwise been missed.
After Covid-19 - an opportunity to do things differently, and better

During these past months of Covid-19 Lockdown there has been a growth in media commentary about how, some day, the Irish economy and business model will return to normal, when the virus is brought under some measure of control.
'In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity'

In the words of Albert Einstein, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity”, while these words may not currently fully resonate with Leaving Cert students, and their families, there may be opportunities available which could have otherwise been missed. Leaving Certificate students considering attending third level in the autumn will have given some consideration to financial implications; if they haven’t, then their parents probably have. It may take time to apply for scholarships and/or grants, and you could take this opportunity to explore potential financial supports which could be available to support you when studying in third level. The Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) is certainly an opportunity for many, along with specific support available directly from your third level institution of choice.
Study reveals discrimination against job applicants with non-Irish names
Job applicants with identifiably non-Irish names are less than half as likely to be called for interview as those with typical Irish names, according to a recent experiment. The research, the first of its kind to be conducted in Ireland, found a similar level of discrimination against those with an identifiably African, Asian, or European (German) name.