Search Results for 'Electronic publishing'
7 results found.
Bell Book and Kindle Act II

LAST JANUARY, in this column, I ruminated on the nature of and effect the Kindle may have on the printed book. On foot of the varied reaction to the article, I decided it was something that deserved further investigation and to this end, let my nearest and dearest know that a Kindle would be a most welcome birthday gift.
Bell Book and Kindle Act II

LAST JANUARY, in this column, I ruminated on the nature of and effect the Kindle may have on the printed book. On foot of the varied reaction to the article, I decided it was something that deserved further investigation and to this end, let my nearest and dearest know that a Kindle would be a most welcome birthday gift.
Julian Gough hits top spot in UK with ebook
CRASH!, Julian Gough’s surreal, comic, and topical Kindle Single novella about the Irish and European economic downturn, has become the top-selling short story in Britain.
New book from Dick Donaghue
GALWAY BASED writer Dick Donaghue has just published his third book, CRASH and Other Stories as an eBook.
Bell, book and Kindle

AS A bookseller, the perceived challenge posed by modern technology in general, and by the Kindle in particular, to the continued existence of the book is a matter of professional and personal concern.
New eBook from Dick Byrne
A NEW book from the Galway author, playwright, and personality Dick Byrne, My Love Is On The Wind, is now available from Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing store.
Submissions sought for TULCA visual arts festival
ARTISTS ARE invited to make submissions to be included in the 2011 TULCA festival of visual arts.