Search Results for 'EU Council'
4 results found.
Carthy to host Western Rail Corridor public meeting in Athenry tonight
The potential European funding available for the Western Rail Corridor will be explored at an important public meeting in Athenry tonight Thursday December 12.
Poppies, PESCO, and the increasing militarisation of the EU

In political terms, these last few weeks have been depressing. First, we were subjected to the electoral version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? (aka the Irish presidency), while thousands of Irish families remain homeless, with no sign of a publicly financed house building programme.
Budget 2019 — The highlights

The Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe presented his third Budget on Tuesday against the backdrop of continuing improved economic performance. Budget 2019 sees the distribution of the benefits of the improving economic conditions, mostly in the form of increased Government spending. Some of the key expenditure areas highlighted by the Minister included social and affordable housing, health and childcare, education, Brexit and climate change. On the tax front, there was a mixture of tax increases and modest tax reductions.
Business voice must be heard as Brexit deadlines come and go, says Chamber president

As part of last week’s meeting of the EU Council and in light of the snail’s pace in negotiations between the UK and EU, Galway Chamber has called on the EU27 and the UK government to provide clarity to business on what the future trade relationship post March 2019 will be.