Search Results for 'Diabetes Care'

7 results found.

Galway experts provide free advice on diabetes self management

The diabetes team in Galway University Hospitals together with Diabetes Care West charity and Croí are hosting a free information evening and workshop in the Croí Heart and Stroke Centre, Galway, on Thursday February 13 for people with type 1 diabetes.

Diabetes advocacy group tells HSE to fill key specialist post

A diabetes advocacy group is urging the HSE West to urgently fill a key specialist diabetes nursing post in the Galway-Roscommon health area.

Technological healthcare at home is focus of new NUIG project’

Technologies to facilitate the remote delivery of healthcare to patients in their own home is the focus of a new EU-funded project underway at NUI Galway.

Shrink your risk of stroke

World Stroke Day 2011 is this Saturday October 29. Each year approximately 10,000 Irish people have a stroke, and sadly 2,000 people die as a result. It is estimated that 30,000 people are living in the community with a disability caused by a stroke. This makes stroke the third largest killer in Ireland, and the biggest cause of acquired disability.

Pre-pregnancy care is key to better pregnancy outcomes for women with diabetes

The Diabetes Service at Galway University Hospitals will mark World Diabetes Day on Sunday November 14 by raising awareness of its pre-pregnancy diabetes care programme.

€9.72m spent locally treating preventable diabetes foot condition

324 hospital admissions for diabetic foot disease in the Kilkenny area have cost the HSE South €9.72 million.

Leading experts to discuss diabetes

Diabetes will come under the spotlight this weekend when leading experts in the care and management of the condition will meet to discuss the latest treatments and explore ways to achieve better outcomes for sufferers.


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