Search Results for 'De'

12 results found.

Transition Year students complete self-defence course

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Transition year students from Archbishop McHale College in Tuam recently completed a four week course in basic kickboxing, self-defence and street awareness.

Scoil Íde, seventy years a-growing

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On this day 70 years ago, June 1 1953, Scoil Íde opened for the first time. In 1952, the Sisters of Jesus and Mary purchased Allen’s Hotel on Dalysfort Road which had been run by John and Angela Allen. It had at one time been known as Daly’s Fort House, a high-class hotel run by a Mrs Galbraith. She sold it to a Mr Miller of Persse’s Distillers who used it as a private house and he sold it on to the Allens. Many will remember it as the place where Bruce Woodcock, the English Heavyweight champion, trained for his famous fight with Máirtín Thornton.

Open days at Coláiste Íde

Coláiste Íde an t-aon Mheán Scoil Chónaithe lán-Ghaelach 7 lá in Éirinn. Lonnaithe i gCiarraí, in eastáit stairiúil le hais Bhá an Daingin, cuireann Coláiste Íde sár chaighdeán iar-bhunoideachais ar fáil dos na daltaí a fhreastalaíonn air.

October open days at Coláiste Íde

Coláiste Íde an t-aon Mheán Scoil Chónaithe lán-Ghaelach 7 lá in Éirinn. Lonnaithe i gCiarraí, in eastáit stairiúil le hais Bhá an Daingin, cuireann Coláiste Íde sár chaighdeán iar-bhunoideachais ar fáil dos na daltaí a fhreastalaíonn air.

Who am I? Understand yourself, discover your own potential and the path to your progress

In order to live a satisfying life we simply have to be ourselves and live in accordance with how we are made. Then we will be able to make free choices, live true to ourselves in our relationships, and experience more meaning and satisfaction in what we do.

October open days at Coláiste Íde

Coláiste Íde an t-aon Mheán Scoil Chónaithe lán-Ghaelach 7 lá in Éirinn. Lonnaithe i gCiarraí, in eastáit stairiúil le hais Bhá an Daingin, cuireann Coláiste Íde sár chaighdeán iar-bhunoideachais ar fáil dos na daltaí a fhreastalaíonn air.

Open day at renowned Dingle boarding school

Coláiste Íde an t-aon Mheán Scoil Chónaithe lán-Ghaelach 7 lá in Éirinn. Lonnaithe i gCiarraí, in eastáit stairiúil le hais Bhá an Daingin, cuireann Coláiste Íde sár chaighdeán iar-bhunoideachais ar fáil dos na daltaí a fhreastalaíonn air.

Healthy summer weight loss tips from Motivation

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If your holiday is just around the corner and you still want to lose a stone for summer, you don't have to despair just yet. You can fast track your way to a bikini body that’s all set for the beach within weeks.

Proust Questionnaire

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Proust Questionnaire

Which person do you most admire?

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