Search Results for 'Carmel Sheridan'
6 results found.
Bring mindfulness into your life

There will be a day-long introduction to mindfulness in Esker Retreat Centre in Athenry this Saturday, February 21.
New mindfulness course
If you are affected by stress, anxiety, depression, or you just want to learn to cope with your busy mind, mindfulness may be what you need. This intensive eight-week course in mindfulness-based stress reduction can transform your relationship with stress, improve your health, and increase your enjoyment of life. The next course begins in Knocknacarra on Tuesday evenings starting September 16.
New mindfulness course
If you are affected by stress, anxiety, depression, or chronic pain, try mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). This intensive eight week course can transform your relationship with stress, improve your health, and increase your enjoyment of life. The next course begins in Knocknacarra on Tuesday evenings from April 15. There will also be a day-long introduction to mindfulness on April 27.
Mindfulness can be the key to good health
If you are affected by stress, anxiety, depression, or chronic pain, mindfulness may offer the help you have been looking for. Esker Retreat House in Athenry will host a day-long mindfulness retreat on Sunday August 26. You will learn how to calm your busy mind and free yourself from discursive thoughts, mental chatter, stress and worries.
Older people seek innovative modes of public transport
New and innovative ways must be found to provide transport for older people living in rural areas, an Age Action West meeting has been told.
Sheridan Electrics is your one stop appliance shop
Thinking of renovating your house, upgrading your appliances, or just looking for good value? Look no further than Sheridan Electrics, Moneen Industrial Estate, Castlebar.