Search Results for 'CV preparation'

145 results found.

Deep research pays dividends in job interviews

Q: This is sort of an ‘asking for a friend’ question, if you know what I mean. Of all the things people do poorly when preparing – or failing to prepare – for interviews, which, in your experience, is the most grievous? Is there one that you encounter repeatedly? (DF, email).

Why rushing into the money question could knock you off course

Q: Can I ask about salary in the first phone call/interview? (DR, email).

Choose your referee carefully to maximise job chances

Q: I am down to the final three for a job and I think I might be about to get it because they have asked me to supply them with a reference from my recent employer apart from my current. However, I had an uneasy relationship with the managing director (MD) there and I’m afraid if I give his name it will rebound on me when they contact him. What should I do? (AC, email)

How to keep your eyes on the prize in a short-term position

Q: I’ve been offered six months in a company where I would really like to build a long-term career. It is a temporary project with a September deadline. Once that’s over, I’ll be gone. Any tips for how I can make a name for myself and possibly stay on after the six months now that I have my leg in the door? (AR, Email)

How to keep your eyes on the prize in short-term role

Q: I’ve been offered six months in a company where I would really like to build a long-term career. It is a temporary project with a September deadline. Once that’s over, I’ll be gone. Any tips for how I can make a name for myself and possibly stay on after the six months now that I have my leg in the door? (AR, Email)

I was kept down, now I need to rise to the challenge

Q: I’m going for an interview in my own company next week. I’ve been working here for ten years and, to be honest, I have been kept down by my boss, despite my best efforts to get involved in various initiatives. She has now retired, and I fear that in the interview I will be asked why I haven’t made more of an impact on my department over the year. The reality is I couldn’t really get a look-in, but will that reason cut it in the interview? (CD, email).

Thinking on your feet can be crucial in interview

Q: The interview panel asked a scenario question: “what would you do if somebody turned up for work with a smell of drink?” I was going for a job as manager of a retail store and despite working in the sector for almost ten years, I have never encountered this type of situation. I made a bad job of answering it and I didn’t get the job. How was I expected to answer that question? (TR, email)

Thinking on your feet can be crucial in interview

Q: The interview panel asked a scenario question: “what would you do if somebody turned up for work with a smell of drink?” I was going for a job as manager of a retail store and despite working in the sector for almost ten years, I have never encountered this type of situation. I made a bad job of answering it and I didn’t get the job. How was I expected to answer that question? (TR, email)

What to do when you hit ‘the black ice’ in an interview

Q: I froze in the interview. There is no other word for it. I was going great guns until they threw a question at me that caught me off guard. I stumbled through that and knew from their reaction that it hadn’t gone well. For the rest of the interview, I was a mess. I couldn’t get out of the hole I had dug for myself, even though, in fairness to them, they moved on to other topics. How can I avoid this happening again in the future? (DC, email).

Face-to-face or Zoom interview – which is better?

Q: Now that COVID-19 restrictions are fast vanishing, what would your preference be for interviews in the long term? If you were called for one tomorrow, would you prefer to go face to face in a room or take the Zoom option, if offered? I have seen some cases lately were both options were made available and as I am about to embark upon job searching myself, I would appreciate your thoughts. (DR email).


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