Search Results for 'Anthony Freeman'

2 results found.

Three month suspended sentence for assault on filling station owner

Judge Mary Devins convicted and imposed a suspended sentence on a Cork woman who assaulted the owner of a filling station she had pulled into on her way home from Knock Shrine in August 2008. The court had heard the evidence in the case last November, but the judge held over her decision until January. However Kathleen Stokes, 4 Knocknaheeny Caravan Site, Hollyhill, Cork did not appear in court in January. She was brought to Ballyhaunis District Court this week on foot of a bench warrant issued on January 5 this year.

Kilkelly petrol station assault decision held over until January

Details of an alleged assault between pilgrims on their way home from Knock Shrine and the owners of a filling station were outlined to Judge Mary Devins at Ballyhaunis District Court on Tuesday.


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